
In general, a varied wholesome diet which is rich in biofactors is the best and first measure to be taken to prevent any deficiency.

But not everyone is able – for a wide variety of reasons - to consume an appropriate diet. Whether it is because they do not have enough time, are not interested, lack the knowledge, do not have much appetite, or because their nutritional ideologies and their ideas on their ideal weight result in their having an unbalanced diet. This has been confirmed by the results of the National Nutrition Survey II.

And: under certain circumstances the body requires considerably more micronutrients. For example, in the case of chronic diseases such as diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders or in conjunction with the long-term intake of medications (see Biofactor depleters), during permanent stress, pregnancy and lactation or growth phases.

If the diet does not cover the biofactor requirements, the critical factors should be specifically supplemented by preparations in order to

  • maintain physical and mental performance
  • prevent deficiency symptoms
  • prevent health problems and organ damage
  • prevent chronic degenerative diseases
  • ensure that during pregnancy, the unborn child is not endangered.



If an individual has biofactor deficiency, this has to be treated: through targeted substitution (supplementation) of the corresponding biofactor in a sufficiently high dosage. Deficiency symptoms can usually be treated successfully in this way.

A vitamin or mineral deficiency can often not be clearly matched to a health problem, but instead a partial aspect in a complex, multi-causal disease process.

For example, diabetics have an increased risk of magnesium deficiency, which in turn promotes the diabetes and its consequences, in particular cardiovascular diseases. Here, magnesium deficiency is one factor of many (which should not be underestimated and is easy to avoid!) which adversely affects the sugar metabolism and the health of the heart and blood vessels. Vitamin B1 deficiency also occurs more often in diabetics, causing secondary diseases of the nerves and blood vessels.

With some diseases, biofactors are also specifically used in higher dosages in order to achieve therapeutic effects, such as

  • α-lipoic acid and benfotiamine (a fat-soluble precursor of vitamin B1) in the therapy of diabetic nerve diseases (neuropathies)
  • magnesium in pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and neuromuscular disorders such as calf cramps
  • zinc for acne

Such treatments should be monitored by a doctor.

Deficiency symptoms

Symptoms of a lack of biofactors.

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Thieves for biofactors

Interactions between drugs and biofactors.

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